Kerala SIDCO is a promotional agency formed for promoting business opportunities of the state to the MSME entrepreneurs and to highlight the ideal business climate prevailing in Kerala with the main objects to counsel, finance, protect and promote the interest of the MSME units in the state, by providing steady uninterrupted supply of scarce, indigenous and imported raw materials and also providing marketing assistance for their products. Kerala SIDCO works harmoniously with MSME units in Kerala with the supports offered by the Government of Kerala. SIDCO provides operational flexibility and act as support mechanism for MSME units and Industries Department of the State Government.
For the effective implementation of the cardinal object, a separate division namely Raw Material division was formed at its initial stage with 14 outlets for the time bound supply of raw materials at nominal rate by ensuring quality.
Being a government agency set up for the development of the MSME sector in Kerala, Raw Material Division is focusing attention and providing due consideration to serve the MSME sector. The major items handled by the Raw Material division are paraffin wax, wire rode, Iron and steel, cement, G.I. pipes, Aluminum sheets, Titanium dioxide, Petroleum products especially Bitumen, paints , Lubes, Agricultural implements and tools.