GO- SIDCO-Supply of Wooden, Steel & Hospital Furniture – Validity Extended – G.O.(Rt)No.10/2021/SPD Dated 03.03.2021
G O – Public Works Department – Purchase of Bitumen directly from SIDCO – G.O (Rt) No.1320/ 2019 /FIN Dated 14.11.2019
GO- SIDCO-Supply of Wooden, Steel & Hospital Furniture – Validity Extended – G.O.(Rt)No.49/2019/SPD Dated 14-11-2019
G O -SIDCO as Acreditation agency to execute Public Works – G.O No.77/ 2019 /FIN Dated 04.07.2019
G O -SIDCO as Acreditation agency to execute Public Works – G.O No.116/ 2018 /FIN Dated 26.07.2018
GO- SIDCO-Supply of Wooden, Steel & Hospital Furniture – Validity Extended – G.O.(Rt)No.24/2018/SPD Dated 28-06-2018
G O – Appointing Kerala SIDCO as Nodal Agency agency to trade products of MSME Units and Executing Furnishing and related works by LSGD – G.O No.1698/ 2018 /LSGD Dated 22.06.2018
G O -SIDCO as Acreditation agency to execute Public Works – G.O No.29/ 2018 /FIN Dated 28.02.2018
G O -SIDCO as Total Solution Provider by ITD – G.O No.30/ 2011 /ITD Dated 22.09.2011
G O -SIDCO as agency to distribute Bitumen – G.O No.2906 / 2017 /LSGD Dated 23.08.2017
G O Wooden, Steel and Hospital Furniture with the price list – G.O ( Rt)No.33 / 2017 / SPD Dated 17.07.2017
Government Order Wooden, Steel and Hospital Furniture reg- G.O ( Rt)No.33 / 2017 / SPD Dated 17.07.2017
Government Order Wooden, Steel and Hospital Furniture reg- G.O ( Rt)No.34 / 2016 / SPD Dated 13.07.2016
Government Order Price of wooden steel and hospital furniture fixed – G.O.(Rt) No 26/2015/SPD dt 28/5/15
Government Order- Purchase of Wooden Furniture- Period of Validity Extended – G.O.(Rt)No.73/2014/SPD Dated 18.12.2014.
Government Order- Purchase of Fabricate Hospital Furniture, Hospital Equipments and Laboratory Equipments- Period of Validity Extended – G.O.(Rt)No.72/2014/SPD Dated 18.12.2014.
Government Order- Purchase of Steel Furniture- Period of Validity Extended – G.O.(Rt)No.74/2014/SPD Dated 19.12.2014.
Government Order- Hospital/Lab Equipments- G.O.(Rt)No.62/2013/SPD Dated 22.11.2013
Government Order – Steel Items- G.O.(Rt) No.65/2013/SPD Dated 23.11.2013
Government Order for construction Works- Vide G.O.(P) No.408/2007/Fin dated 07/09/2007
Government Order Wooden Items- G.O ( Rt)No.56/12/SPD/29.12.2012